When it comes to Hackathon, developers and others involved in software development (graphic designers, interface designers, project managers…) are building a website, mobile app, or even a hardware hack, the goal is to start from scratch and end with a working prototype. Generally, these events last from 24-48 hours and are filled with food, caffeine, prizes, and, you guessed it, more caffeine. After time runs out, teams demo what they’ve built and compete for prizes.
Our developers were divided into 2 teams in which the forces were equally distributed. It was a good test to see how our CoreLine team will handle themselves in the new situation and within a limited time. Each team had its own leader who had to distribute tasks as well as keep a close watch on the timing of everything.
The theme of this hackathon was the well-known novel coronavirus disease, and the teams had the freedom to build mobile applications on the set theme. The very purpose of this hackathon was to test out new technologies such as Flutter and .NET core. Apart from the fact that everyone will gain experience in the mentioned technologies, prizes for each team were additional motivation, depending on whether they are first or second place.
After two days of coding and brainstorming, we have closed our competition at 14 pm and we couldn’t wait to see the end results as well as the presentations of the apps themselves.
1. Team - Corontineapp is an app that delivers only feel-good news to the user while making sure they are taking care of themselves by keeping a virus Tamagotchi happy and clean so it doesn’t inhibit their body. It also helps you stay busy during the quarantine, hence, the name.
2. Team - KoronaInfo is an official Croatian app delivering the only official and trusted news and instructions related to protecting oneself from the COVID-19 disease. The app also includes a self-assessment of the risk of catching coronavirus and a direct line to epidemiologists via chat.
After long deliberation, a four-member jury decided that the Coronetine application was better for nuance.
We can conclude that our first Hackathon was a total success. We tested new technologies, promote creativity, collaboration, and innovative thinking and the last and most important thing we have a great team that can deliver great solutions in the short term.