About YoungPlanet

YoungPlanet is an app that enables parents to trade or donate no-longer-used children’s things (toys, clothes, etc.) for free. The app is based in London and has recently expanded nationally with 35,000 users and counting across the UK.

The challenge

The YoungPlanet team takes user feedback seriously and adjusts app features according to those. The feedback comes from user interviews and from data collected through Amplitude Analytics. Therefore, feature adjustments tend to be quite often and they are simply a fundamental part of the business model – all in order to improve the end-user experience.

Project screens

The solution

As a cross-platform framework React Native allows us to fulfill the requirement of constant and evolving changes rather quickly since we’re writing only one codebase for both platforms while being sure it will remain stable and robust. React Native, in other words, enables us to deliver all the exciting new features to YoungPlanet users even before they know it!