The challenge

​ When we started this project, the focus was on completing and delivering a reliable MVP. Our biggest challenge was to improve the quality of the code base and adapt it to meet the compliance standards of HIPPA (USA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). To do this, we had to learn and understand the current flow and ensure that any critical bug we stumbled upon was fixed. Remember, we only had 6 months to get everything done ​

The idea

​ The whole project idea from the get-go was very interesting and we saw the magnitude of the problem that this idea solves. The whole idea was that family members can have access to their loved ones at any time. By access, we mean that they can check their health condition on day to day basis. ​

User information

​ Defining user personas doesn’t guarantee success, but understanding them does. At this stage, it was critical to build the product based on real data about our client’s experiences and preferences. That’s why implementing Amplitude Analytics was the next logical step for us. It allowed us to better understand where our users were converting and bouncing, and eliminate friction points.​

Idea image

​ One of the biggest challenges was to adapt both mobile and web applications with HIPPA-compliant standards. What exactly is HIPPA compliance? Well, HIPPA compliance sets the standard for sensitive patient data protection. Companies that deal with protected health information (PHI) must have a physical, network, and process security measures in place and follow them to ensure HIPAA Compliance. We needed to make sure that every part of the software (mobile apps, web app, document storage etc.) are HIPPA compliant.

Holding hands App screens


​ The app was developed in React Native because of its ability to target both the iOS and Android operating systems. Since we needed a fast and reliable solution, Node.js was used for backend development. Finally, the whole application is hosted on Amazon Web Services. ​

Development technologies: React Native, Node.js, AWS


​ We started this journey with the idea of remastering an old product and giving it a solid foundation. After reworking the code to bring it into HIPPA compliance standards and adding new features, the app was ready for launch and our goal was achieved. ​

Orah Care solution