The challenge

CoreLine has onboarded and took over this project in 2022 and has since developed numerous new features and improvements. Most notably, we introduced a new desktop app that enables vessels with slow internet connections to access MarineRegulations more reliably. We have also implemented the famous PDF.js viewer into the app to achieve easier document readability across browsers and platforms.

Ticket statistics screen

The improvements

Further on, we have introduced many improvements to the existing offline mode functionality as well as revamping the data loading mechanism, so that it works flawlessly with spotty connections. Last but not least, we introduced the ability for companies to have sub-companies which enables the administration to group specific employees and users from the same company.

Our work on MarineRegulations continues as we regularly maintain the application and its infrastructure while monitoring performance, but also develop new upcoming features, and automate repetitive tasks or jobs.


We use Vue.js and Electron for the frontend, PHP for the backend, and Docker for seamless deployment, offering a robust and efficient solution for users.

Development technologies: Vue.js, Electron, PHP, Docker