The challenge

Our clients needed a complete solution that enables end users to monitor and manage their power and water supply sessions. The biggest challenge was to connect the Siemens PLC machine (a machine that allows boat owners to connect power and water supply) to the web-based application, so that end users could manually turn on and off each session separately and make payments in various payment methods (prepaid, postpaid, and periodically).

The idea

Our main idea was to develop a system that would decrease the time that boat owner spends on the cash register paying for their power and water supply bills, and decrease the time that marina workers spend signing up boats and connecting them to the correct user.

Idea image


Development of the product started with the five-day Design Sprint. This methodology helps us understand and define problems, sketch ideas, decide the direction of the concept, create the prototype, and validate it with users. The final product of this methodology was an interactive prototype, the web-based client mobile app made in Figma.

Using a minimalistic design with a clear and intuitive UI, the user gets a simple and quick way to activate the water and power supply, track the state at any given time and pay directly via mobile device.

Design image


NestJS and TypeORM were used for backend development. For the frontend development, we used React and TypeScript.

Development technologies: React.js, React Navigation, TypeScript, TypeORM


The main idea for this case was to develop a system that would decrease the time spent at the cash register and enrich the marina experience altogether. Our solution was a system consisting of 3 applications, a Client web app (control of individual sessions for the user), an Admin app (monitoring and control of all sessions in the location as well as accessing the historical analytical data), and a Super admin app (installation and testing of cabinets/plc) to give users the best experience sailing.

App screens